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Otto v3.5.6 Relased

Otto 3.5.6 was released to address a compatibility issues with Claris FileMaker Server 2023. This download is available in Version History

Migrator.fmp12 v3.0.2 Released

A new Migrator.fmp12 file is not required for use with FileMaker 2023 or FileMaker Server 2023. You will get a warning when you connect to a Claris FileMaker Server running 2023. You can safely dismiss the warning. It just says that Migrator hasn't been tested with this version of FileMaker Server.

The new version, v3.0.2, is available for download.

· 3 min read

FileMaker Server 19.6 is a significant release with many great new features, which you can read about here. However, when it comes to improving Migrations, one feature in particular stands out; faster cloning.

Otto 3.4.7 is ready to take advantage of it.

Migrator.fmp12, our migration application that works with Otto to set up and run your migrations, has also been upgraded. Version 2.4.0 has support for all the new migration options that have been released in the latest version of the FileMaker Data Migration tool.

Fast FileMaker clones

Otto can automatically fetch clones of your FileMaker files and move them to your production server. It does this as part of its fully automated migration and deployment operation. Before 19.6, creating clones from large files could take a long time, especially if the server was a slower machine. If the cloning took more than two minutes, the fetch would give up. We had to use "pre-clone" procedure to work around the dreaded ESOCKETTIMEOUT error.

FileMaker Server before 19.6 had to make a backup of the file first and then make the clone. Now it can just make a clone straight from the open file. One of our test files is 28GB. FileMaker Server 19.5 and earlier could take up to 10 minutes to make a clone of that file. FileMaker Server 19.6 can do it in about 7 seconds. Which is a massive improvement.

Data Migration Tool

FileMaker 19.6 now includes the Data Migration Tool, which is installed along with the rest of FileMaker Server. Otto 3.4.7 will now use that version. We no longer have to worry about keeping the version of the Data Migration Tool in sync with the version of the FileMaker Server.

New Migration Options

The Data Migration Tool recently had a couple of new options added to the commands for carrying out a migration.

-reevaluate causes the migration to reevaluate calculations as part of the migration -rebuildindex causes the migration to rebuild all the indexes -target_locale allows you to set the date and time settings of the target file as part of the migration.

Otto's FileMaker File companion, Migrator.fmp12, now supports all these options.

New versions are available now

These new versions are available in your account or for download from:

Otto and Ottomatic changes the game

Fully automated deployments and data migrations are just the beginning of what Otto can do. Check out our fully managed FileMaker Server hosting service, Ottomatic. It includes a full version of Otto on every server. Let us manage your servers, so you can spend more time on your solutions.

· 4 min read

New Pricing Plans Feature Image

Our customers tell us that Otto changes their lives by giving them back their weekends. It also changes their businesses by letting them spend more time focusing on what truly matters and less time doing manual, error-prone tasks. We are excited by how far Otto has come, and we also know there is so much more we can do. Just recently, we released Otto for Linux and implemented enhanced notifications with Slack. As we continue to invest in this product, we feel this is a good time to adjust our pricing to better define and serve our customers.

· 4 min read

Otto Changes what you can do with FileMaker

FileMaker and Otto at sea

In 2017, we learned of a FileMaker system used to share real-time data between fields hospitals in remote villages in Papua New Guinea and the base hospital on a ship off the coast. This is a truly great story and we encourage you all to read it.

Published on June 8, 2017, by the Claris Editorial Team: FileMaker-based custom app allows sharing of key real-time data between field hospital and medical ship

Recently, their FileMaker developer shared with us that Otto has had and continues to have a profound impact on how they manage their solution.

· 3 min read
Martha Zink

Data and file migration

Think about an app or a tool that's a game-changer for you. The one that makes your life easier by saving you time, money, or effort. The one that you sometimes forget about because it just does the job so well. And when you remember it's there, you smile big. Get ready to feel that same way about Otto: the DevOps tool that supercharges your Claris FileMaker Server.

It comes down to this: Your time is valuable. Otto automates the tedious stuff and protects your work.

· 3 min read

Otto Version 3

Today, we are proud and excited to release Otto 3 into the world and share it with the Claris FileMaker Community.

Otto packs some powerful features, including automated file and data migrations, scheduled deployments, and easy access to live files and backups. Version 3 offers even more: receiving webhooks, custom and unified application logging, and Google Groups authentication. Plus, it now supports Linux.

"Otto 3 is just the beginning," Todd Geist, CTO of Proof+Geist, explains. "It is the foundational building block of our vision of how to design, build, and maintain Claris FileMaker applications for the 2020s. We can't wait to share more of that vision with you in the coming months."

What's new with Otto 3

New website

With version 3, Otto gets its own website, an Otto-specific blog, and all-new fully integrated documentation. The documentation is thorough, and the search feature is blazingly fast. Otto's newest features go beyond data migration, and this site gives users a single place to get all the information they need to make the most of their supercharged servers. Check out the new Otto page here.

Otto 3 runs on Linux

A popular request among Otto users is a Linux-compatible version, and it's finally here! We are so excited to get this out the door and into your hands.

Supercharge your apps with Otto 3

Before version 3, Otto was primarily a DevOps tool for Claris FileMaker developers. It had some features like the API proxy that ran in production but most of its features focused on the needs of the developer and deployments. Otto 3 features focus on enhancing your FileMaker apps in various ways, including:

  • Google Groups with OAuth – Give access to files based on Google Groups membership
  • Application Logging – Send custom log entries directly to FileMaker Server
  • All-new Log Viewer – Search and browse Otto and FileMaker's logs with the Otto web console
  • Webhooks Receiver – Easily receive inbound webhooks from any 3rd party service, as well as your own applications

Otto 3 is available now

In today's FileMaker ecosystem, developers need tools to efficiently deploy client features, protect their work, automate the tedious stuff, and power up their apps with easier integrations. Otto 3 is available now. Join other FileMaker developers and supercharge your Claris FileMaker Server.

Ready to try Otto? Download a copy of the free version here.

Existing customers

Otto 3 is included with your license. You can download it today from your account at our web store.